
The wide range of European Union (EU) activities together with an increasing number of EU Member States render EU-related competence a key asset, if not a must, in any professional career. But how does the EU work? How are European rules adopted and by whom? What is the legal effect of EU rules and how do they relate to national ones?
The course provides for both a critical theoretical analysis and a practitioner’s view of the EU in general and its law-making process in particular.

Course Structure:

A MODUL University professional seminar is divided into three sections, allowing for maximum flexibility.

  1. Pre-Module phase: a two week e-learning period where participants are required to study reading material at home
  2. Core-Module phase: a two day seminar on MU Vienna’s campus
  3. Post-Module phase: a 2-4 week e-learning period where participants are required to complete a project or paper at home

Total course time is approximately one month, while the required on-campus seminar time is two days.


Dr. Katrin Forgo is affiliated with the Austrian Ministry of Economy, Family and Youth and Deputy Head of Devision, European and International Energy Policy. She holds a Masters degree in Business Administration and Economic Pedagogics as well as a PhD in Social and Economic Sciences, specialized in European Law and Economics. joined. Since 1997 she has been a lecturer of European Law and Economics at the University of Economics where she also served as senior assistant researcher, and has held various international functions, e.g. 2004-2005 Chair of the Energy Charter Budget Committee (www.encharter.org). She has published numerous articles, and holds various speeches and lectures on EU, WTO, and energy matters.


By the end of the course the participants will be able to

  • Solve problems relating to the EU in general and in particular its decision making process which the participants might encounter in his or her professional life
  • Discuss relevant questions in a qualified manner based on factual arguments.

Various exercises, group activities, and case studies will allow participants to put newly acquired knowledge immediately into practice.


Participation in all three phases of the professional seminar (pre-, core- and post-module) leads to a certification, with the possibility to transfer the credits earned to a degree program (e.g. MBA program). All study programs and seminars are accredited by the Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation (AQ) Austria.


DI Dr. Verena Peer
MBA Program Manager
MODUL University Vienna
Am Kahlenberg 1, 1190 Wien
T: +43 (1) 3203555 302

  • Proof of an undergraduate university degree with a minimum duration of three years or completion of an equivalent degree relevant to the content of the study programme
  • A minimum of three years professional experience
  • Proof of English proficiency for non-native speakers (for detailed information please visit http://www.modul.ac.at/study-programs/professional-program/master-of-business-administration/start-your-application/)