
Tourism marketing information systems have gained popularity in recent years. To understand the proper role of these systems, this course will examine what tourism managers do, what challenges they face, what information they need for decision making, and what kinds of problems can be supported by a formal information system. This understanding can be applied to determine whether a tourism marketing information system will be a valuable tool and how it should be designed.

Participants will learn about the different types and levels of marketing decision making and the major components of a marketing information system. The course will create awareness of the often under-utilised internal sources of information available to tourism managers and understanding of the nature, merits, and limitations of analytical models within tourism marketing information systems.

MODUL University Vienna hosts TourMIS (www.tourmis.info), one of the most comprehensive tourism marketing information systems of the world. TourMIS will be used as a case example during the entire course.

Course Structure:

A MODUL University professional seminar is divided into three sections, allowing for maximum flexibility.

  1. Pre-Module phase: a two week e-learning period where participants are required to study reading material at home
  2. Core-Module phase: a two day seminar on MU Vienna’s campus
  3. Post-Module phase: a 2-4 months week e-learning period where participants are required to complete a project or paper at home

Total course time is approximately one month, while the required on-campus seminar time is two days.


Prof. Dr. Karl Wöber is Full Professor and Founding President of MODUL University Vienna. He is the elected chairman of the Austrian Private University Conference. At MU Vienna he is also the Dean of the Professional School which includes the MBA degree and the seminar (certificate) program. Prof. Wöber acquired his PhD from the Vienna University of Economics and Business where he became Associate Professor and Deputy Department Head at the Institute for Tourism and Leisure Studies in 2000. In 1997, he was a visiting scholar at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Leisure Studies. Since 2005, he is a Visiting Senior Fellow of the School of Management at the University of Surrey (UK), and a Senior Fellow of the National Laboratory of Tourism and eCommerce at the School of Tourism and Hospitality Management at Temple University (Philadelphia, USA). His main research activities are in the fields of computer support in tourism and hospitality marketing, decision support systems, multivariate methods and strategic planning. Karl Wöber is also Technical Advisor to European Cities Marketing and the European Travel Commission for many years.


After successfully completion of this course participants are able:

  • To describe the generic characteristics of decision support systems and to appreciate the differences between various forms of management information systems
  • Understand the basics of performance measurement (e.g. input-output transformation process) in a destination management context
  • To understand the application areas of marketing information systems for supporting the planning of tourism destination marketing organizations, in particular:
  • >> Measuring and monitoring seasonality
  • >> Measuring and monitoring the diversity of the guest mix
  • >> Market volume and market share analysis
  • >> Forecasting tourism demand
  • Be able to critically assess various analytical models available in TourMIS (www.tourmis.info)
  • Be able to critically assess the value of rankings like the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index (TTCI)
  • Understand methods for multi-objective performance measurement in a tourism destination marketing context (Data Envelopment Analysis)
  • To understand a comprehensive budget allocation model for increasing the effectiveness of marketing activities of destination marketing organizations

Be conversant with basic MIS and DSS terminology (e.g. big data, data warehouse, data mining, etc.)


Participation in all three phases of the professional seminar (pre-, core- and post-module) leads to a certification, with the possibility to transfer the credits earned to a degree program (e.g. MBA program). All study programs and seminars are accredited by the Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation (AQ) Austria.


DI Dr. Verena Peer
MBA Program Manager
MODUL University Vienna
Am Kahlenberg 1, 1190 Wien
T: +43 (1) 3203555 302

  • Proof of an undergraduate university degree with a minimum duration of three years or completion of an equivalent degree relevant to the content of the study programme
  • A minimum of three years professional experience
  • Proof of English proficiency for non-native speakers (for detailed information please visit http://www.modul.ac.at/study-programs/professional-program/master-of-business-administration/start-your-application/)