
Nowadays enterprises need to deal increasingly with the challenges that arise through the creation and management of audiovisual materials. Not only media heavy industries such as broadcasters, archives and producers – who have to react to quickly moving trends in the media landscape – but any enterprise today must deal with producing and using growing amounts of audiovisual material both for internal use and in marketing and distribution. This course will look at how the management and re-use of audiovisual content is changing for the modern enterprise, highlight key technologies and trends, and examine collaboratively how future business can leverage audiovisual material and benefit from a better media management and re-use strategy.

Course Structure:

A MODUL University professional seminar is divided into three sections, allowing for maximum flexibility.

  1. Pre-Module phase: a two week e-learning period where participants are required to study reading material at home
  2. Core-Module phase: a two day seminar on MU Vienna’s campus
  3. Post-Module phase: a 2-4 week e-learning period where participants are required to complete a project or paper at home

Total course time is approximately one month, while the required on-campus seminar time is two days.


Dr. Lyndon Nixon is senior researcher at the Department of New Media Technology, MODUL University Vienna. He is responsible for the EU projects LinkedTV (www.linkedtv.eu) - as Scientific Coordinator - and MediaMixer (www.mediamixer.eu) - as Project Coordinator. He also teaches (MBA) and works on acquiring new research projects. His research domain is semantic technology and multimedia, with a focus on automated media interlinking and the creation of interactive media experiences (hypermedia).


By the end of the course, students will be able to

  • Plan from a business perspective how to better leverage company audiovisual assets
  • Have a better understanding of trends and developments in the online media market
  • Respect digital rights both in the use of their companies own audiovisual assets and in the re-use of audiovisual assets acquired from other organizations

The course is based on a mix of lectures on technology, case studies and market analyses, together with various interactive methods (group discussion, small group assignments, individual presentations). Participants will actively participate by preparing a potential use case for media asset management and utilisation prior to the course, refining it during the course and submitting a final use case document as a post-module assignment.


Participation in all three phases of the professional seminar (pre-, core- and post-module) leads to a certification, with the possibility to transfer the credits earned to a degree program (e.g. MBA program). All study programs and seminars are accredited by the Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation (AQ) Austria.


DI Dr. Verena Peer
MBA Program Manager
MODUL University Vienna
Am Kahlenberg 1, 1190 Wien
T: +43 (1) 3203555 302

  • Proof of an undergraduate university degree with a minimum duration of three years or completion of an equivalent degree relevant to the content of the study programme
  • A minimum of three years professional experience
  • Proof of English proficiency for non-native speakers (for detailed information please visit http://www.modul.ac.at/study-programs/professional-program/master-of-business-administration/start-your-application/)