
Visualization is a key communication enabler in management. The course gives an overview on the visualization field and its methods and shows key models in information and knowledge visualization as well as contextual prerequisites for the use of visualization in management. State-of-the-art tools in information and knowledge visualization as well as proven visual methods for management will be demonstrated.

Course Structure:

A MODUL University professional seminar is divided into three sections, allowing for maximum flexibility.

  1. Pre-Module phase: a two week e-learning period where participants are required to study reading material at home
  2. Core-Module phase: a two day seminar on MU Vienna’s campus
  3. Post-Module phase: a 2-4 week e-learning period where participants are required to complete a project or paper at home

Total course time is approximately one month, while the required on-campus seminar time is two days.


Prof. Dr. Martin J. Eppler is a full professor of media and communication management at the University of St. Gallen (HSG), where he is also the managing director of the =mcm institute for media and communication management and the head of the International Study MBA Program (ISP). He conducts research on knowledge management, knowledge visualization, knowledge creation (creativity) and knowledge communication. He has been a guest professor at various universities in Asia, South America, and Europe. He has been an advisor to organizations such as the United Nations, Philips, UBS, the Swiss Military, Ernst & Young, Swiss Re, GfK, and others. Martin Eppler studied communications, business administration and social sciences at Boston University, the Paris Graduate School of Management, and at the Universities of Geneva and St.Gallen. He has published more than 150 academic papers (in journals such as Organization Studies, LRP, Harvard Business Manager, Information Society, IEEE, Information Visualization, and others) and fourteen books, mostly on knowledge communication, management, and visualization.


By the end of the course the student will

  • understand the key benefits of visualization techniques for management
  • know how and when to use them
  • know the main kinds of visualizations for the management context
  • be aware of the risks or potential drawbacks of visualization
  • understand the basic design and perception laws when using visual methods
  • know (good & bad) examples to learn from
  • experience select tools to visualize knowledge individually and collaboratively
  • experience some of the emergent trends, tools and technologies in this domain


Participation in all three phases of the professional seminar (pre-, core- and post-module) leads to a certification, with the possibility to transfer the credits earned to a degree program (e.g. MBA program). All study programs and seminars are accredited by the Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation (AQ) Austria.


DI Dr. Verena Peer
MBA Program Manager
MODUL University Vienna
Am Kahlenberg 1, 1190 Wien
T: +43 (1) 3203555 302

  • Proof of an undergraduate university degree with a minimum duration of three years or completion of an equivalent degree relevant to the content of the study programme
  • A minimum of three years professional experience
  • Proof of English proficiency for non-native speakers (for detailed information please visit http://www.modul.ac.at/study-programs/professional-program/master-of-business-administration/start-your-application/)